Abdominoplasty Surgery Sydney

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Australia’s specialist plastic surgeon with experience in:

  • Complicated Breast Revisions & Internal Bra System
  • Tuberous Breasts & Asymmetry Corrections
  • Comprehensive understanding in Fat Grafting Technique

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with Dr Tavakoli

Schedule you consultation wit Dr Tavakoli Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) Surgery - 2


The procedure is designed to address an abdomen that’s protruding, has excess folds of skin or fat, or has weak abdominal muscles leading to back pain. There are several variations of the procedure including the mini-tuck, for those who just want to tighten the lower abdominal area and only remove minimal excess skin.

By removing skin, altering fat, and repairing rectus muscle separation, plastic surgeon’s can completely alter the patient’s core region and waist line allowing exercise to have a more direct impact on shape.

Typically, patients that seek abdominoplasty surgery have experienced massive weight loss via diet and exercise or via Bariatric Surgery. With it, patients may be left with excess amounts of skin and muscle separation, causing them to seek breast lift mastopexy, abdominoplasty, thigh lift and arm lifts (brachioplasty.


An abdominoplasty is an operation designed to alter the appearance of an abdomen that may be protruding or may have excess skin and fat. There are variations of the abdominoplasty operation including “mini-tucks” or small abdominoplasty which may be sought after by patients who only require the abdominal muscles to be addressed or removal of a small amount of skin. On the other hand, patients with massive weight loss may seek a more extensive abdominoplasty operation.

Different types of abdominoplasty procedures performed by Dr Tavakoli

  1. Total abdominoplasty (the most common operation, scar hip to hip), addressing upper and lower abdominal areas, translocation of belly button, muscle repair and liposuction if needed.
  2. Lower abdominoplasty or mini-tuck (smaller scar): Suitable for smaller slight patients to address the lower part of the abdomen only. The recovery is quicker however please note that the upper abdomen will not be improved.
  3. Extended abdominoplasty (scar 180 degrees includes love handles)
  4. The Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty is used exclusively for massive weight loss patients where the horizontal incision will not be sufficient. An additional vertical incision (Inverted T-Scar) is made which runs down the midsection to correct the upper abdominal tissue and excess skin.
  5. The body lift abdominoplasty is for major weight loss patients who require skin to be addressed on their abdomen and back. The scar is 360 degrees.


Before your procedure, you will have a free consultation with Dr Tavakoli, to discuss your desired results, aesthetic concerns and any health and lifestyle factors that can influence the procedure. We will determine the details of your procedure by creating an individual treatment plan.

We will create a treatment plan and discuss the specific surgical techniques that will be used, including the incision location. We’ll conduct a physical exam to assess the condition of the treatment area, which will also help to create the surgical plan. A consultation is an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about the procedure, including the recovery period, post-operative care, and any concerns you may have.

At your consultation, we will also assess your suitability for the procedure, and discuss the results that you can expect. Ideally, candidates will have realistic expectations about what the procedure can achieve to be considered suitable, as it’s important for you and your surgeon to be on the same page for a successful procedure.

Another important factor that we will discuss is your post-operative process, including what to expect and what steps to take to optimise your recovery. We’ll also need to talk about the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure and how these can be minimised.

Your initial consult will also allow us to determine your procedure costs. We will provide you with a personalised quote, closely factoring in the individualised details of your surgery.


Abdominoplasty is performed to meet the unique needs and goals of each patient. Just like every patient is unique, the procedure details can be slightly different for each patient, which is necessary to create results that take personal goals and body type into account.

Here is a general guide for what you can expect during your procedure, however, keep in mind that you may have slightly differing steps or extra steps to suit your needs:

  • Abdominoplasty surgery is always performed under general anaesthesia.
  • An incision is then made across the lower part of the abdomen.
  • A circular incision is made around the navel that stays attached to the muscle. The skin is then separated from the muscle, up toward the ribs, so that it can be pulled down like a window shade. The abdomen is then “tightened” (narrowing and flattening the abdomen) by stitching the muscles together.
  • Liposuction is performed on the outer fat in order to contour the new shape. Dr Tavakoli will attempt to remove more than half the stretch marks during the operation.

After your procedure, you will be monitored in hospital before you are able to return home, following a list of detailed and personalised recovery instructions.

Managing scarring during the procedure
The scar usually heals well and fades over a period of two years. We also have the latest FRAXEL laser technology to help deal with scars.

The option of a mini-abdominoplasty
Mini-abdominoplasty can be performed on patients who have a small amount of excess skin and fat or protruding the lower abdomen. Mini-abdominoplasty does not usually involve moving the position of the belly button.


After the surgery, you can expect a recovery period of a few weeks to a few months, depending on the extent of the surgery and your individual healing process. Swelling and bruising are common after the procedure and should subside within the earlier weeks of your recovery. You will likely experience some pain and discomfort after the surgery, but this is normal and we may prescribe pain medication to help manage this.

You will need to wear compression garments to help reduce swelling and assist with the contouring of the area, which your surgeon will advise you on how often to wear and when you can stop wearing. You may have drainage tubes in the incision site to help remove excess fluid from the area, which will be removed during a post-operative consult.

As you heal, you will begin to see the results of the surgery. When it comes to your results, it’s important to be patient, as although you will be able to see improvements early on, your full results can take about six to 12 months to show.

What are my limitations in activity postoperatively? How long is my recovery?

After abdominoplasty surgery, the bed will be positioned so that you are bent at the hips (waist) to keep tension off the newly tightened skin. You will have a pain pump for a day or two.

Within 24 hours, you will be walking in a bent-over position. Although strenuous activity and lifting more than four kilograms must be avoided for six weeks, some people can return to work and daily activities as soon as two weeks after abdominoplasty surgery.

Driving is allowed after three weeks. Patients can commence gentle exercise after six weeks. Serious weight workout and strenuous activity is usually avoided for twelve weeks. Softening of the surgical scars, return of sensation, and loosening of the tight sensation may take six to 12 months.


Like any surgical procedure, Abdominoplasty involves certain risks and potential complications. These can include infection, bleeding, scarring, seroma, numbness or tingling, blood clots, anaesthesia risks, and skin necrosis. We will take precautions to minimise these risks, such as managing excessive bleeding, using advanced technology to minimise scarring, and providing aftercare instructions to promote healing. We may also prescribe some antibiotics to prevent infection.

Seroma can be drained if it occurs, and medications and mobility exercises can prevent blood clots. However, there is always a risk associated with general anaesthesia, including allergic reactions and breathing difficulties. In rare cases, skin necrosis may occur if the blood supply to the skin is interrupted during the procedure.

Dr Tavakoli values transparency and will thoroughly discuss the risks and complications that are associated with your procedure during your initial consultation, which is of course obligation-free.

All plastic surgery procedure carry risks. A full explanation of general plastic surgery risks can be found by clicking the link here.


Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Dr Tavakoli has featured in several plastic surgery articles discussing abdominoplasty.

If you are looking for Abdominoplasty in Sydney or Double Bay, Dr Tavakoli is here to help through the process with pre-surgery consultation.

You can view abdominoplasty before and after photos  of previous patients as guides.

If you want to know how much abdominoplasty costs in Sydney or Double Bay or for more information on Medicare or other health funds that may cover the surgery, please do not hesitate to ask Dr Tavakoli as your consultant and surgeon.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.