Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Sydney

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Australia’s registered plastic surgeon with experience in:

  • Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty & Recovery
  • Complicated Breast Revision Surgery & Internal Bra System
  • Tuberous Breasts & Breast Asymmetry Corrections
  • Comprehensive understanding in Fat Grafting Technique

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with Dr Tavakoli

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Fat Grafting (Lipofilling) technique has been around since the 1980s but has become far more advanced in recent times. In women with a small amount of breast tissue and body fat, breast implants can become palpable at the edges and in some cases the implant edge can become visible in the cleavage area and lower pole of the breasts. In these cases, breast fat grafting is mostly used by Dr Tavakoli to treat women with small cleavages. It can also be used to avoid implant rippling and implant visibility; as such, it is a common procedure.

Dr Tavakoli also uses fat grafting in a second category of women who are not suitable candidates for breast implants. In this instance, the breast shape is altered with a combination of mastopexy and/or breast reduction mammoplasty followed by lipofilling to the upper pole of the breast. It is important to note that in these cases, lipo-augmentation should be understood as altering the shape of the breast rather than increasing the size.

Dr Tavakoli also uses fat grafting in a second category of women who are not suitable candidates for breast implants. In this instance, the breast shape is altered with a combination of mastopexy and/or breast reduction mammoplasty followed by lipofilling to the upper pole of the breast. This creates upper pole fullness, avoiding the need for a breast implant. *It is important to note that in these cases, lipo-augmentation should be understood as altering the shape of the breast rather than increasing the size.


  1. Fat grafting is used to correct slight breast asymmetry during breast augmentation mammoplasty with implants. This is usually preferred to the use of different size implants where possible, as the fat can be targeted and injected into the breast areas of uneven tissue thickness.
  2. Camouflage technique to cover up boney prominences over the sternum and pronounced ribs.
  3. Camouflage technique to provide coverage over rippling and wrinkling breast implants in thin patients with low upper body fat.
  4. Tuberous correction almost invariably utilises the fat grafting technique to bring symmetry and lower pole curvature.
  5. Create upper pole fullness in mastopexy/reduction mammoplasty patients who wish to avoid an implant.

Lipoaugmentation During Mastopexy/Reduction Mammoplasty

Technique: The fat is removed from the patient’s abdomen or thighs using liposuction. The harvested fat is cleaned and processed through closed system and re-injected into the upper pole of the breast to alter the shape and create upper pole fullness without the use of an implant.

Post-op Care: The area of liposuction is generally tender for up to 3 weeks. The fat grafted area is swollen and little tender and may get bruised.

Result: Up to 70% of the fat injected will “take” and gets incorporated into the body. This figure is much lower in smokers. The fat that is not incorporated is safely excreted by the kidneys with no harm.

Disclaimer: The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.

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Breast reduction mammoplasty with fat grafting to upper pole.
Total fat graft: 50mls (L) 30mls (R)

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Disclaimer: The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.

Breast reduction with fat graft to upper pole Total fat: 125mls (L) 125mls (R)

Breast reduction mammoplasty with fat graft to upper pole.
Total fat: 125mls (L) 125mls (R)