Placement as an important factor to consider when getting a breast implant in Sydney
Are you interested in getting a breast implant in Sydney? As you may already know, there are a number of important factors that need to be considered when it comes to breast implants in Sydney one of which is “placement”. Choosing the right one is certainly important if only to help you attain a result you are satisfied with. For this reason, it’s a good idea to learn all that you can about such options when discussing your needs with your breast augmentation mammoplasty surgeon.
Implant placement options for breast augmentation mammoplasty in Sydney
Indeed placement is one of the factors that warrant careful consideration when it comes to breast augmentation mammoplasty in Sydney. There are generally 3 ways in which implants can be inserted unto a patient’s body during breast augmentation mammoplasty in Sydney – sub glandular position, sub muscular position and the “dual plane” position. Each position has its own pros and cons both of which will have to be carefully evaluated during the consultation process.
Let’s go ahead and take a look at the aforementioned placement options for a breast implant in Sydney:
Sub muscular breast augmentation mammoplasty
It’s the preferred method for many breast surgeons as it yields more gently sloping appearance. More importantly, this particular position allows for more coverage and makes mammography a lot less complicated ultimately making it a lot easier to work with. Some surgeons also believe that the sub muscular position reduces the risk for capsular contracture although it remains to be a subject of much debate among breast surgeons.
Of course sub muscular breast augmentation mammoplasty is not without its share of disadvantages the most significant of which is “flexion distortion” or the abnormal movement of the breasts and chest muscle accompanying arm movement. Also if capsular contracture does occur, sub muscular insertion of a breast implant can be a lot harder to correct compared to ones that were inserted in a sub glandular position (above the chest muscle).
Sub glandular breast augmentation mammoplasty
Yet another popular placement option for a breast implant in Sydney and one that comes with a number of advantages – it’s considered a less invasive position. Yet another significant advantage to the sub glandular position is that it’s a lot easier to get to which means any issues with regards to one’s breast implant can be corrected with less difficulty. Implants inserted with this method are a more efficient in terms of “lower pole filling” which makes it more suitable for correcting congenital breast conditions such as tuberous breasts.
Dual plane breast augmentation mammoplasty
A relatively new placement option for a breast implant in Sydney, dual plane breast augmentation mammoplasty is coined as such because the implants are made to fit into two positions – the front of the inferiorly muscle and directly behind the superiorly muscle. It is aimed at yielding the benefits of both sub glandular and sub muscular breast augmentation mammoplasty.
Perhaps the only significant disadvantage to dual plane breast augmentation mammoplasty is its complexity – it’s a lot more difficult to perform than either of its counterparts and also a lot more expensive. Breast surgeons generally only perform such an operation as part of a reconstructive effort.
So there you have it – an overview on the 3 placement options for breast implants in Sydney. Regardless of which method you ultimately opt for, it is vital that such decision be made in conjunction with all other factors – patient anatomy, desired results, health condition, known predispositions, etc. The guidance of a qualified and reputable breast surgeon is certainly needed. That is something that you can certainly expect out of Dr Tavakoli and his team of board certified breast surgeons! Call us on 1300 368 107 to arrange a consultation and learn everything you need to know about getting breast implants in Sydney.