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Can Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty in Australia Cause Stretch Marks?

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What are stretch marks and can it occur as a result of breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia?

A lot of people interested in breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia often have concerns about the procedure. One such concern is that it might actually result in stretch marks. So just how valid of a concern is it?

Now the truth of the matter is that stretch marks or “striae” which is the technical term for such a condition can indeed occur after a breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure but such cases are uncommon when the surgery is performed by an experienced and reputable surgeon like Dr. Tavakoli. Call us on 1300 368 107 to book a consultation and learn more about breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia!

We have seen a few documented cases of stretch marks after having served the market for breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia for almost 20 years. This means there is a risk, though slim, of stretch marks occurring. Such cases often involve patients with a known predisposition for stretch marks and those who’ve failed to follow the proper recover procedure – lifting heavy weight or doing any kind of heavy work involving the upper body earlier than 2 to 3 weeks after the procedure against the advice that they’ve been given.

Indeed stretch marks can occur when it comes to breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia but such cases are rare for patients that follow the recovery process and even less likely if you are not predisposed to such conditions. Of course there are other elements that come into play.

Factors that can cause stretch marks following a breast augmentation mammoplasty procedure

A known risk factor for stretch marks – check other areas of your body such as the hips and the abdomen particularly during your adolescent years. If you’ve had this problem on other parts of your body before then you are more likely than others to encounter such a problem in breast augmentation mammoplasty.

Breast augmentation mammoplasty prior to pregnancy – pregnancy naturally enlarges a women’s breast making it more conducive to breast augmentation mammoplasty. Young women who are yet to experience such a stage in their lives are also more likely to develop stretch marks after breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia.

Women with thin and fair skin are more prone to stretch marks as such skin types are often extremely sensitive.

The size of the implant – choosing too large of a breast implant with sizes around 400 to 450 cc can also be a contributing factor for stretch marks. Such implant can present a significant stress on the breast tissue and the skin around the area making it another risk factor for stretch marks. An experienced plastic surgeon ought to be able to assist you with selecting an appropriate size for your breast implant during your consultation for breast augmentation mammoplasty in Australia.

Published By: Dr Kourosh Tavakoli

Dr Kourosh Tavakoli, MS, FRACS, is an Australian-trained plastic surgeon with over 20 years of surgical training. He is an active member of the International Society (ISAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASAPS). He is knowledgeable in plastic surgery of the breast and body and lectures extensively around the world on these topics.

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