Australia’s registered plastic surgeon with experience in:
- Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty & Recovery
- Complicated Breast Revision Surgery & Internal Bra System
- Tuberous Breasts & Breast Asymmetry Corrections
- Comprehensive understanding in Fat Grafting Technique
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with Dr Tavakoli
Tuberous breast deformity is a congenital condition which can affect 1 in 20 women. Tuberous breasts occur when the breast tissue does not completely develop during puberty. This results in a distinctive breast shape and can create severe breast asymmetry. The Tuberous condition affects young women in both breasts or seldom unilaterally.
Tuberous breast develop in an unusual shape and in 90% of cases, involve some degree of asymmetry in size. Characteristics of tuberous breasts include enlarged areola, excessively wide cleavage, deficient breast tissue, particularly in the lower breast pole and a short breast fold (distance between the nipple and breast crease). These characteristics can present in varying degrees but will often result in a narrow, constricted, tubular appearance of the breast. Pregnancy or rapid weight loss can convert mild tuberous breasts to severely tuberous breasts.
Dr Tavakoli’s approach to Tuberous Breasts
Identification of tuberous breast is essential for the outcome of the patient. In many cases, patients with mild tuberous breasts present for a breast augmentation (mammoplasty) without being aware they have this condition. Untreated patients who undergo implant augmentation mammoplasty will often simply see an exaggeration of the deformity.
There are many degrees and variations when it comes to tuberous breast and in reality, the spectrum of tuberousness is vast and cannot easily be clarified according to a stringent set of criteria.
In Dr Tavakoli’s practice, tuberous breasts correction is thought of as a regional anatomical treatment.
Camouflage technique
The surgical plan for the treatment of tuberous breasts will take into consideration the degree and combination of tuberous characteristics, age and importantly, patient expectation.
The camouflage technique, involves a combination of minimally invasive techniques, nano and macro fat grafting and implant augmentation. Additionally, internal scoring of the breast tissue, release of tuberous bands and effacement flap technique are performed after the implant pocket has been dissected.
Tuberomastoplasty Technique:
In more severe cases of tuberous breasts, or moderate cases that combine multiple regional elements of tuberousness, a more invasive surgical correction may be required.
Dr Tavakoli performs a method of tuberous correction which involves the creation of a tuberopexy flap.
First an incision is made around the nipple and the tuberous tissue is removed. A flap is then fashioned out of the breast tissue and sutured down to alter the breast contour, at the same time creating some thickness in the deficient lower pole.
This technique may or may not be performed at the same time as a breast augmentation (mammoplasty) . The decision to combine the procedure or stage it over two operations is decided on between Dr Tavakoli and the patient during the consultation.