Dr Tavakoli has a strong commitment to providing excellent service to all of his patients and visitors of this website including respecting concerns about privacy and in particular complying with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) including the Australian Privacy Principles and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP Act) including the Health Privacy Principles.
He understands that you may have questions about how he collects and uses personal information. In this regard, Dr Tavakoli’s Privacy Statement explains how he complies with his obligations under the Privacy Act and the HRIP Act. The Privacy Statement covers:
- why collection of your personal information is required;
- the types of personal information collected, and how it is collected;
- how your personal information is used and stored and protected;
- to whom it could be disclosed;
- your rights with respect to access and correction of your personal information.
Dr Tavakoli’s Privacy Statement is available at the reception area of his clinic or upon request.